Why Educating Yourself About Mental Health Is Important

Why Educating Yourself About Mental Health Is Important Recent statistics show that millions of people around the world are affected by various mental disorders. It’s not just a small segment of the population. Mental health challenges impact individuals of all ages, backgrounds, and walks of life. And the numbers continue to rise. Despite the prevalence…


Holding Space: Understanding and Supporting Loved Ones Struggling with Suicidal Thoughts

Holding Space: Understanding and Supporting Loved Ones Struggling with Suicidal Thoughts Loved ones who are struggling with suicidal thoughts require empathy, warmth, and an understanding of how to offer support. For many of us, the idea of a loved one grappling with suicidal thoughts is a heart-wrenching and complex challenge to navigate. As friends or…


Trauma Care Through Telehealth: Healing the Past and Building the Future

As with many health practitioners in these times of safer-at-home orders, we are constantly asked whether we are still offering mental health services. The answer is definite: “Yes! We are here for you.” We at the Trauma Counseling Center of Los Angeles (TCCLA) are continuing to provide expert trauma therapy and counseling safely through telehealth…
